Monday, February 21, 2011

Long over due!!!

Hey there! I know, I know. I'm a terrible blogger!! I apologize for not being better about updates! Speaking of updates... we have quite a few!! First off Jaylee was able to get her central line out which was a big deal! We no longer have to worry about it getting infected or pulled on or broken! Which also means she is no longer on her TPN and she is pretty much off all her medications! We are slowly bringing her out into the world and she is finally able to play with her cousins! We are still working with physical therapy for her motor skills but she is getting better. I don't think she will ever crawl but she sure is a scooter!! She has lost a lot of her "Steroid weight" and looks much better! We are having so much fun being a family at home! It's hard to believe we are at the tail end of this all. It has been an experience we have learned so much from and we are so thankful for all those who were there for us! We love you all!!


  1. Oh my gosh, she is looking SO much better! Thank you for updating it is great to hear that your actually able to take her places and let her play with others. What a breath of fresh air, and it is great to be a Family!!

  2. She is so sweet :) I can't wait to meet her!
