Friday, April 2, 2010

A Big Day!

Well today is Day -8 until the transplant, and today was Jaylee's first day of Chemo Therapy! We have had mixed feelings all week as we knew this day was coming. We were and still are terrified and relived at the same time. Its so hard to think that getting chemo would be a day to rejoice and yet be so miserable at the same time. We know this is one step closer to the end result, but it doesn't make it any easier. Our families have been such amazing support and thank everyone of them. We ask that you keep us in your prayer. We love you all!

1 comment:

  1. Hi...this is Emily, (Lynne Wysinger's daughter, a good friend of your moms), I knew you when we were very young. Well, I hope you don't mind she forwarded me your blog so I could hear how your sweet little girl is doing. She is absolutely beautiful with no doubt a spirit to match. We'll be praying all goes well with the transplant. You both seem like amazing parents with a special little girl.
